Supplier code of conduct
Revision 1
Recycling Technologies (RT) is committed to conducting business ethically, responsibly and with integrity. We regard legal requirements as minimum standards and require that no activity take place if it cannot be carried out without compromise to wellbeing, the environment and the communities in which we operate.
RT expect to see these values reflected in the operations of all individuals or legal entities that provide RT with products, components, materials or services – defined herein as “the Supplier”.
This code of conduct (defined hereinafter as “Supplier Code of Conduct”) defines the minimum requirements expected of both the Supplier and RT. As part of RT’s continuous improvement, it is our intention to see these standards carried on throughout the supply chain.
Operate with integrity
Ethical business conduct is essential for healthy and sustainable business growth and RT expect all of its’ Suppliers to conduct themselves in a fair and lawful manner.- Compliance
The Supplier shall comply with all laws, rules and regulations relevant to their operations. Policies, procedures, and controls should be in place to ensure all duties, obligations and undertakings are performed in a manner that does not infringe any law or regulation applicable to the Supplier, RT, or the transactions between them. - Anti-bribery
The Supplier will have zero-tolerance to bribery and conduct business relations solely on objective criteria without influence. Bribery or gifts of substance shall have no bearing on decisions to obtain new business, retain existing business, or secure any other improper advantage in dealings with RT or any other third party. - Conflict of interest
The Supplier shall ensure that potential conflicts of interest do not occur in relation to their business with RT. Any existing or potential conflict of interest must be disclosed prior to business commencement, or as soon as the conflict is identified. - Fair competition
The Supplier shall compete in accordance with all applicable antitrust laws and regulations. Standards and procedures must be in place to ensure the Suppliers directors and employees do not engage in behaviour that could be considered anti-competitive. - Anti-corruption
The supplier shall not offer or agree to receive, any form of advantage which is offered with the intent to influence the improper performance of a function, activity, or procedure.
- Compliance
Social standards
RT is committed to the principle of zero harm to people and expects our Suppliers to advocate a similar social standard.- Labour rights
The Supplier must administer their labour processes in line with principles as laid down by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Principles including, but not limited to, those addressing freedom of association, privacy, child labour, human trafficking, and forced labour. - Human rights
The Supplier must recognise, respect, and uphold the human rights of every individual as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. - Health and safety
The Supplier shall provide all employees, contractors and other stakeholders with a healthy, safe, and secure environment that complies with all laws and regulations applicable to its operations. - Equal and fair opportunities
The Supplier shall provide equal opportunity and treatment in employment, irrespective of race, colour, religion, gender and identity, sexual orientation, citizenship, ability, age, or any other characteristic. - Employee rights
The supplier must respect the rights of workers and their right to respect, dignity, and freedom of harassment. At a minimum, workers’ rights must follow national and international laws and regulations.
- Labour rights
Responsible development
Wherever RT operates, we seek to ensure our operations have the minimum possible adverse impact on the natural environment and surrounding communities and expect our Suppliers to do the same.- Environmental management
The Supplier shall demonstrate a commitment to environmental management and regard environmental issues as integral to all business decisions they undertake. The Supplier is expected to understand the impact of their undertakings at all stages of the product lifecycle and to pursue continuous improvement of environmental performance.
- Environmental management
This code of conduct indicates the behaviour expected of both the Supplier and RT. Mutual conduct ensures respectful and collaborative behaviour to maximise the benefits to all parties.
- Whistleblowing
Both RT and the Supplier are to have robust procedures and channels in place that offer discrete routes for both employees and sub-suppliers to report any activity that contravenes this Code of Conduct. Individuals of either party are to be ensured a secure hotline which does not impede their right to protection and discretion. - Transparency
The Supplier and RT will consistently communicate a sufficient level of information to ensure all stakeholders can form a true and fair view of the respective company. - Confidentiality
RT will treat the Suppliers’ commercially sensitive information and intellectual property with the utmost privacy and expect our Suppliers to do the same with RTs’.
- Whistleblowing